How the Shaw Blog Preview Works:

Hello everyone!
What is this and how does it work? We'd like to have a private blog, but (like you probably) I dislike having to constantly check private blogs to see if there has been an update. SO this solves that problem.
When I post on our private blog, I will also post the title on this blog so you can see when I update! I'll include a link to the direct post, as well as a link that will take you right to our private blog on the right. That way we keep our blog private but you can still see when I update!
Win, win, win.
We love lots of readers - so please, if you'd like to be one, leave a comment with your email (or facebook me, or text me, or use whatever method of communication you'd like) and I will be happy to add you!

Monday, November 25, 2013

four months

The delight that is Juliette, and her antics leading up to month 4. HERE

Monday, October 28, 2013

three months!

Read all about Juliette's accomplishments and see how adorable she is. HERE

Friday, October 4, 2013

Saturday, August 17, 2013

our baby girl

An extremely abbreviated version of baby girl's entrance into this world. And some crazy adorable pictures, never before seen on other social media. :) Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

third trimester

A long post with one picture = what happens when your computer is fried for over a month and you leave your camera elsewhere for a few weeks. Check it out here.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Saturday, March 2, 2013

a family together again! AND a pregnancy post

- is now private! Please add this blog to your lists so you can see when I update! Thanks! -

I posted about our blog being private almost right after I posted about our recent trip! So if you missed the post on the trip, click HERE.
And before that (if you're really behind) ;) I posted a whole bunch of pictures of my growing belly. See that HERE.
And remember, if you just want to go to the blog and not an individual post, there is always a link on the right of the blog!